
Animation: Bowie’s Space Oddity

Paton Francis Animation on Lunar Jim ADV 67.wmv

Lunatic. Ein grandioser Song von David Bowie. „Ziggy“ hat auf „YouTube“ ein Video dafür ausgesucht, das in Deutschland leider inzwischen gesperrt ist, und sagt dazu: „Ok, so my kids can’t get enough of this new animated series called „Lunar Jim“ wich airs on the new latin station „V-me“… I always tivo it for them and as I was watching an episode with them just the other I had the bizarre idea of trying to match it to „Space Oddity“ a personal favorite track from David Bowie’s androgenous era… mind you, I’m not a professional editor but I think Bowie’s fans will appreciate… and why not say it, my kids too ;-)“.

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